The route will appeal to nature enthusiasts as they can enjoy the pine forest and the small rivers.
The route will appeal to nature enthusiasts as they can enjoy the pine forest and the small rivers - Sveķupīte and Lenčupe, as well as the scenic landscapes of the old Gauja River, appreciate the Red Cliffs, and taste the water of Rūcamavots.
Length and type
Progress of the route
Kempings „Apaļkalns” - ceļš Raiskums - Auciems - „Brauskas” - kanāls ar Auciema ezeru - Sveķīšu sils - P14 autoceļa šķērsošana pie „Lejas Sveķiem” - meža ceļš gar Sveķupīti - Sveķupīte - meža ceļš gar Lenčupi - meža ceļš Raiskumkrogs - „Romula” - Rūcamavots un Sarkanās klintis - Raiskumkrogs - P14 autoceļš - pagrieziens uz Raiskumu - Raiskums - kempings „Apaļkalns”
Start point, end point
Start: 57.3174, 25.1478
Kempings „Apaļkalns”
End: 57.3174, 25.1478
Kempings „Apaļkalns”
Road surface
meža - 6,5 km, asfalts 5,5 km, grants - 3 km
Link to the route description