104. Raiskums – Līgatne – Raiskums

45 km

It involves a unique crossing of the Gauja River using a hand-operated ferry at Līgatne and offers numerous points of interest in Līgatne.

About route

The route is suitable for outdoor enthusiasts. It involves a unique crossing of the Gauja River using a hand-operated ferry at Līgatne and offers numerous points of interest in Līgatne. Unforgettable scenic views can be enjoyed at the Ķūķu Cliffs and Zvārte Rock. It is also possible to experience the refreshing crossing of the Rakšupe River on a bicycle during hot summer days! Furthermore, along the Cīrulīši Nature Trails, you can replenish your water supplies from the Dzidravots Spring. And then, by crossing the Gauja River and returning via the Kvēpenes road, you will reach Raiskums.

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Length and type

45 km

Progress of the route

Kempings „Apaļkalns” - Līgatnes pārceltuve Lejaslīgatne - Skaļupes - Ķūķu klintis - Veclauču tilts pār Amatu - Zvārtes iezis - Zoo un atpūtas centrs „Rakši” - atpūtas parks „Ozolkalns” - Cīrulīšu dabas takas - tilts pār Gauju - Kvēpenes ceļš - Raiskums - kempings „Apaļkalns”

Start point, end point

Start: 57.3174, 25.1478

Kempings „Apaļkalns”

End: 57.3174, 25.1478

Kempings „Apaļkalns”

Road surface

grants - 23 km, asfalts - 12,5 km, meža ceļš - 9,5 km

Link to the route description